It’s very rare that you find a long haul flight enjoyable. You can become restless and bored fairly quick if you’re not prepared. Unless you travel a lot and have had countless experiences on planes. For those who aren’t the frequent flyer however, what gets packed in your hand luggage can either make or break your flight. Luckily, we’ve done the researching and experimenting for you, so you don’t have to. Here are our top 5 essentials that’ll help you have a stress free and comfortable flight whilst you’re up in the skies and unable to break free.
Empty Water Bottle
This doesn’t necessarily sound like the most amazing need required on a flight, but it can be extremely beneficial once you sit down on in your seat. Keeping hydrated on your flight is important since you’re not exposed to natural fresh air. There’s also the air conditioning systems which are sure to dry out your skin. To save waiting for the in-flight snacks trolley to come down the aisle, keep a spare empty water bottle so you can ask the staff to top it up whenever you need it.
Bring a Pen
As with any long haul flight, you’re going to need to fill out any necessary immigration forms before you land. To save asking the person next to you and waiting until they’ve completed theirs, take a pen of your own. There’ll be several people on the flight asking for the same thing too, so it might be awhile before you get the chance to fill it out. Just do yourself a favor and save some time.
Trtl Travel Pillow
Tucking up against your neck like a wooly scarf, the travel neck pillow has been voted the best in the market. It provides the maximum support for your neck and saves you resting your head on the side of the window, receiving that awkward pain when you wake up after that long sleep, when you can just get a travelling pillow.
Eye Mask
If you happen to sit next to a flyer that reads for the majority of the flight, they’ll be likely to use the light above their seat if they don’t have an E-reader device. In which case, you’ll want to block it out when you go to sleep. Take an eye mask with you and make the most of the rest you can get on the flight, so you’re nice and fresh when you land.
Light Jacket/Blanket
There are stages in the flight when the plane can become extremely cold. Bring an extra item of clothing like a light jacket, or a shawl to cover the top half of your body. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than having chills whilst you’re trying to sleep.